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Greenbean Science – Colormix Sensory Tubes


4 in stock

Ideal for social emotional learning (SEL), help children practise managing their emotions and focusing their attention with this mesmerising set of colourful tubes. Shake a tube to mix the colours, and then watch them slowly separate back into their original colours. Tubes are securely sealed, and the square endcaps mean children can use them vertically and horizontally.

- 3 Colourmix Tubes
- Multilingual packaging and Activity Guide

Age: 3 Years +
Item size: 20.3 x 17.8 x 5.1 cm
Tubes size: 20cm H x 4.5cm W

Additional information

Weight 0.566 kg
Dimensions 20.3 × 17.8 × 5.1 cm
Warehouse Stock Information

JHB: 4 | CPT: 0 | Stock en Route: 0


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